Water Leak Detection

Water Leak Detection

Water damage is a common risk and severe damage can be costly, Bluezone24’s smart devices will alert you of a leak so you can quickly take the appropriate action.

Prevent extensive damage with Bluezone24 leak detectors and intelligent software

This sensor is designed to be used anywhere you feel there is a risk of water damage or flooding from burst water pipes or leaks. The Bluezone24 platform will alert you of a water leakage and can also inform you if the temperature is close to freezing, or if high temperatures are recorded, then the device will also send an alert to mininise the risk associated with leaks.

If the device becomes displaced or falls over an audible alarm will alert those in the vicinity as well as sending an alert via Bluezone24. This device is easy to set up and is one of the most reliable devices available with no false alarms reported. These devices are suitable for residential properties and commercial premises and offer reduced risk for the insurer.

Water Leak Detection - the Device

Water Leak Detection - the Transfer

Water Leak Detection - the Data & the platform

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Benefits of Bluezone24 Water Leak Detection

Monitor the risk of leaks or floods 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Leakage, abnormal temperature, tamper and daily heart beat alerts

Minimises disruption to staff, visitors and building users. Solves issue of no access.

Complete online history and audit reporting in one location with bespoke reporting capabilities.

Centrally monitor compliance requirements across multiple sites

Interoperable and compatible with other sensors on the bluezone platform.

System automated pro-active compliance recommendations, suggestions and alerts.

Scalable solution regardless of building type, size and complexity.

No requirement to access building power or IT data networks

Record of detected leaks or asset status for insurance or facility management purposes

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