IoT in a built environment – moving with the times

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The move to introducing IoT (internet of things) technology has been steadily progressing over the years as sensors have become more effective at gathering data and more efficient in terms of cost and reliability. However, as McKinsey has reported COVID-19 “has pushed companies over the technology tipping point -and transformed business forever”

Accelerated Adoption

European businesses have accelerated their digitalisation by several years, with many businesses focusing on the efficiency of their offerings during this time. The reported increases are much more significant in healthcare and pharma, financial services, and professional services.

Simply put, more businesses are focusing on how technology can help improve their processes, make life better for their people and planet, how they can make data supported decisions, and ultimately improve on the bottom line

What is IoT?

The ‘Internet of Things’ are ‘things’ embedded with sensors or software for the purpose of connecting with, and exchanging data with, other systems over the internet. An example is a temperature sensor collecting a temperature of a room and sending that data back to a cloud-based application.

IoT in Buildings

It is not a huge leap from the above to understand the rise of IoT implementation into the built environment. The pandemic has led to a change in working patterns, from more people working from home to dealing with low occupancy. This has given rise to the conversation of how best to manage a building to ensure compliance, reduce risk as well as how to ensure efficient facility management.

The Solution

Bluezone24 can help you when implementing sensor technology with their high-quality devices linked to an intelligent software platform that interprets the data based on compliance parameters, which instantly alerts clients of assets that are out of range and need further actions. The platform can provide a wealth of data and reports that can be used to support maintenance, decision making, audits and energy efficiencies. Importantly the cloud-based platform makes geographical locations less relevant with the ability to manage multiple locations and teams from anywhere.

The Benefits

Introducing IoT has the obvious benefit of around the clock monitoring in addition IoT can also remove the risk from additional services/people onsite. In this new era IoT reduces risks of contamination and infection control as well as eliminating the need for escorted visits in high-security areas, assigning out inductions, or completing site training.

Some of our solutions include:

Legionella Control

Remote temperature monitoring devices are fitted (with no impact) to monitor temperatures in your water supply and reported back to the platform, where the intellect of the software interprets the data for powerful alerts. The platform can work with internal staff or you can include a contractor for effective end to end management of Legionella.

Legionella Automatic Flushing Unit

Conducts flushing as per required Legionella regime to avoid stagnation, automatically capturing all flushing events, saving time and reducing labour.

Leak Detection

A leak is detected once water touches the unit and an alert is sent, making this unit invaluable, especially when located above or around areas of business continuity risk.

Water Turnover

This water meter can be installed to trend water usage for a building, verifying the turnover rate of the tank to see if it is complying with the building timeframe. Organisations using meters can manage consumption, identify leaks or unusual usages that may need to be investigated.

Software Platform

What good is data without meaning? The Bluezone Platform ensures your data makes sense. The system of sensors and software do the hard work to ensure we capture and analyse your data providing easy to read visual dashboards and a multitude of reporting/exporting options at your fingertips.

Third Party Sensors

As the IoT revolution grows, so too does the number of quality sensors, if you cannot find a suitable solution please speak to us or alternatively if you have a sensor without a platform, we would be happy to discuss the inclusion on the Bluezone platform.

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