Benefits of Bluezone24

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There are many benefits to using Bluezone24, the IoT sensor technology provide obvious solutions, however do not under estimate the power of data interrogation from the Bluezone Manager platform.

Benefits of Bluezone24

24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Identification of infrequently used outlets.

Reduce security risks as the need for site visits are decreased

Scalable solution regardless of building type, size and complexity.

Surpasses current ACoP L8, HSG 274, HTM 04-01 and HPSC compliance requirements.

Integrated with current in-house Legionella management programmes.

System automated pro-active compliance recommendations, suggestions and alerts.

Enhanced environmental benefits including energy savings and improved asset life cycle.

Proactive Legionella control tools for increased compliance & user safety.

Identifies freeze and scald risks.

No Touch’ Legionella Management supports infection control.

Non-intrusive retro fitment within water systems.

Bespoke reporting capabilities.

Temperature trending and system profiling of all buildings.

No requirement to access building power or IT data networks

Automated failed sensor alerts.

Cost savings.

Minimises disruption to staff, visitors and building users.

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