Below are common sectors using Bluezone 24. Monitoring can be carried out in any sector, just speak with an expert to find out exactly how we can help you. Click below for more information.
Monitoring, compliance, maintenance and tracking of intelligent data on your buildings and assets
Real time accurate data with 'no touch' monitoring at intervals you decide.
Bluezone24 will alert you when you need to take action and provides the structure you need to monitor your compliance.
In today's world saving energy, improving health and cutting costs are common key performance indicators.
Have the data you need at your fingertips with 'At a Glance' dashboards and client specific reports and alerts by email, SMS , PDF or Excel.
The move to introducing IoT (internet of things) technology has been steadily progressing over the years as sensors have become more effective at gathering data …
Bluezone has been approved as a supplier on the G-Cloud 12 framework to provide cloud-based software services to the Public Sector.
The ‘no touch’ Legionella management system sits on the company’s own platform and incorporates sensor technology to remotely monitor water temperatures and provide real time intelligent analysis.
Building closure or reduced occupancy can increase the risks of Legionnaires’ disease. It is important to manage the risk from legionella bacteria that may be present in the hot and cold water systems
Monitoring, compliance, maintenance and tracking of intelligent data on your buildings and assets.
Below are common sectors using Bluezone 24. Monitoring can be carried out in any sector, just speak with an expert to find out exactly how we can help you. Click below for more information.
Bluezone 24 not only offers you the means for better and safer data capture but also a platform to manipulate and analysis the large volume of data being created for the empowered of your organisation.
Bluezone24 is not only reactive but can be proactive in nature.
Life Cycle and Connectivity Management
We make sense of it all with a fast and reliable solution for your IoT network.
Alerts via a RAG dashboard supported by SMS/Email notifications
Your compliance in one dashboard continuously available
The future is digital.
Constant monitoring, constant data, and interpreting that data for better business and compliance decisions makes sense.