
Monitoring, compliance, maintenance and tracking of intelligent data on your buildings and assets.

bluezone 24 offers an end-to-end Internet of Things (IoT) compliance monitoring solution for the built environment. By digitalising assets and using the latest in sensors and IoT technology,
it is easy to view, act and plan using a range of  powerful data in one location with a multitude of reporting options.

bluezone 24 offers alerts and analytics on each asset with all the data required presented via interactive dashboards. bluezone24 devices are strategically and discretely installed with no impact
on your IT infrastructure. Once installed you are ready to go! Bluezone24 are always working on new sensor solutions and work with clients to meet their requirements.

bluezone24 Solutions:

Legionella & Water Treatment

Monitoring Legionella & Water Treatment

Legionella control
Automatic Flushing
Water usage
Leak detection

Environmental Comfort

Environmental Comfort

Ambient Air Temperature
Humidity Levels
Carbon dioxide levels
Volatile Organic Compounds

Asset Tracking

Asset Tracking

Easily Track Assets

The Intelligence

The Bluezone Platform

Delivering intelligent data at your fingertips, click below to find out more

Can't find what you need?

Bluezone24 are always working on new sensor solutions and
have already implemented additional sensors based on client's needs

How it works

Installation of Sensors

Sensors are quick and easy to install with no impact on existing pipework or IT infrastructure.

Ready to go!

Once installed there are a few quick checks and you are ready to go!

Start getting Data

Data transmits to the cloud via the world’s largest IoT network ensuring safe, secure and encrypted data

Alerts & Notifications

The system alerts you of any variances you need to know about


The platform manages and analyses the data with various dashboards and exportable reports.

Peace of mind

Sleep easy knowing the sensors are protecting your people, your profit and the planet.

Ready to speak to an expert?

A walk through can take as little as 15 mins.

Ask one of our experts to call you back and arrange a quick walk through of the process.